for your song - online - remote only
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Get a free professional chorus production for your song! Terms & conditions apply on the upload form below.
Hey, I’m Ant, the founder of Sundream Studios. We’re on the lookout for talented artists with great music to collaborate with remotely. That’s why we’re offering a free professional chorus production for your song—so you can hear your song come to life at zero risk. I encourage you to take a listen to our recent music below.
🔹 Who is this for?
✅ Artists who can record high-quality vocals from home (this usually means recorded on a condenser mic with very little to zero background noise)
✅ Musicians who are serious about taking their sound to the next level
✅ Artists who want industry-level production & to work with a studio who can help pitch their songs to TV.
🔹 Why Work With Us?
In the last few years, we've reached millions of listeners, had several songs on mainstream radio, landed multiple sync placements on prime-time US TV, had songs signed to major sync agencies, and even won a national music competition. Now, we’re expanding our catalog and looking for talented artists like you to create amazing music together.
🔹 Why are we doing this?
We know that the final touches of a production & mix take most of the time, but creating a solid demo is something we can usually do quickly. All that we ask is that if you like the production, we agree to work together. Sound fair? Pricing & terms are on the UPLOAD FORM below.
🔹 Got a great song and want to hear a free demo of the chorus? Let’s make it happen! Fill out the UPLOAD FORM below— we're excited to hear your music!
Our Recent Music
Punjabi/Hip Hop
Comedy/Hip Hop
Singer Songwriter